Monday, June 4, 2012

Week 5 Reflection questions

I have never heard of the NTeQ Model before. It pointed out the difference between a student who is computer -literate and a student who has technological competence. I never realize there is a difference between the two. I always thought if a student could get around a computer and type they were fine, but to picture the computer as a tool to solve problems is a different process. This takes students to a deeper level of thinking. It makes real world applications various simulations. It talked about the need for teachers to make a prototype of the activity to determine what may happen or the length of time. In some ways it is overwhelming to think about creating a 10 step lesson plan and a prototype for the multiple classes I teach each day. However, as I have thought about it, it may make things easier because I could incorporate many different areas of learning into each exercise. I was a little taken back when they talked about testing and that the "gains on high-stakes tests were inconsistent." I always felt that students who had a rich technological back ground may do better because of having to think though various aspects on a computer. I think it goes back to the information shared with NTeQ that there is a difference between computer-literate and competence. However, I questions rather technology in some cases have been integrated but merely added to the curriculum- the one more thing to teach mentality. This happens I feel because of the limited teacher training or the inadequate teacher training. With the implementation of the Common Core standards, and the change in testing material, it will become critical that students learn how to think deeply and I think technology can help create and shape this process. I think one thing educators can take from the business and industry world is the technology-bases training delivery. Using Web-based training can help in all age levels. From the younger students all the way to teachers it can help deliver real-life situation. It allows learners to gain information, respond to the information and then receive feedback right away. More and more education is starting to more towards this information. However, I think more than having students learn how to use this type of instruction also teaching them how to create this type of learning could help them with deeper level thinking. There is a multitude of information they have to consider when creating a Web-based training. It can open their minds to other cultures and ways of thinking. Another item that education can take from the business and industry world is "the designer as a researcher." I think the greatest aspect that hit me was the part about "reflection as critical component in the problem-solving process." I think adding this element as a major part of the students work will help them see things differently. I think students have to be taught how to reflect on their own work. I don't think it comes nature for most students. Some students have a tendency to be too hard on themselves or to easy. Reflection really hit a high-point with me. When students create a technology project it is critical that they think about what worked, and what they would change next time. Often times the reflection part falls on the teacher, but putting it back on the students "can promote self and professional development."

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